Case studies
We offer high quality, cost-effective document handling services using industry-standard techniques. Some examples are shown here. We aim to achieve:
Much of our work centres around Adobe's Portable Document Format or PDF. Adobe PDF is a computer file format for distributing and displaying documents on screen, using a range of different computer types. NOTE Some of the PDFs on this site are around 1 MBytes; they will take some time to download via slow connections. Click on the links below to see examples of some of the work we do.
About PDF Files PDF (or Portable Document Format) is an industry standard document format. PDF files can contain text and graphics (technical, photos etc.) and they can be read on a wide range of computers. The PDF format is particuarly suited to highly detailed applications (e.g. containing technical or other complex illustrations) when zooming in to retrieve detail is important. PDF also allows faithful retention of format when documents are printed to paper. To view these PDF files, you will need Adobe Reader Version 5 (or later). You can download the Reader software via the Internet from Adobe Systems Inc. You will need Administrator privilages to install Adobe Reader under Windows NT, 2000, XP or Vista. Corporate users may need to consult their system administrator.
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